Sunday, October 1, 2017

Manual and Tutorial Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tips

Manual and Tutorial Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tips

Before Tapping and Holding we must Turning on Galaxy Note 5, the way just Press and hold the Power key for a few seconds to turn on the device.When you turn on your device for the first time or after performing a data reset, follow the onscreen instructions to set up your device. But If Galaxy Note 5 is frozen or didnt responsive and unresponsive, here the tips if your Galaxy Note 5 unresponsive : press and hold the Power key and the Volume key down simultaneously for more than 7 seconds to restart it.

Manual and Tutorial Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tips

Tapping is the way to open an app, to select a menu item, to press an on-screen button, or to enter a character using the keyboard on the screen, tap it with your finger or the S Pen.

Holding done after tap and hold an item or the screen for more than 2 seconds to access available options.

Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tutorial Tips
Manual and Tutorial Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tips

Manual and Tutorial Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding Spreading and pinching S Pen Tips
Spreading and pinching by your finger, Spread two fingers apart on a webpage, ma p, or image to zoom in a part. Pinch to zoom out

Spreading and pinching by your finger
Spreading and pinching by two fingers

Manual and Tutorial Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tips if your Galaxy Note 5 unresponsive :
Just press and hold the Power key and the Volume key down simultaneously for more than 7 seconds to restart it.

Galaxy Note 5 Tapping and Holding S Pen Tips Video

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